Monday, October 10, 2005

It has been a while

rather a while, but I have been inexcusably busy and Simona hogs the 'puter something chronic. No, she doesn't. That is a bald-face lie.

Oh no, now she wants it back. Stupid essays.

More to come.


Deb Robertson Writes said...

Shaz do you have a printer yet? I have one if you want it xx

Unknown said...

Shaz has a printer...but I don' much?

ElizabethB said...

WORLD: Please note the latest use of blogs by my so original daughters!

Deb Robertson Writes said...

Well you see I read by sisters blogs, but bizarely I don't know their email addresses so can't email them. Don't know why that is?? And they NEVER answer their phones...

Unknown said...

I texted you on monday night when steve got evicted/kickedoff/wasthe weakestlink or whatever. But you didn't reply! Never mind!! :) I don't know your email either...:)