Monday, August 31, 2009

Word for the Day OR Insert Whinge Here.

Word for today would be defeated.  After such a cool day yesterday, today was such a downer.  Found work very difficult, felt fat and ugly (thanks PMT), then total fail at yoga.

Also, today marks the official end of Faux, a church thing I've been running for about a year.  To be fair, I've not been organising my way out of a box for a couple of months, but today was the nail in the coffin.

Felt okay about it this morning, but feel defeated tonight.

Sometimes it's too hard to keep ALL the balls in the air.

Feeling let down by life today.  Best go to bed and give it another go tomorrow.


Helen said...

I hear you, and I'm sorry.

I would also very much like my own tomorrow, because today has lasted three months too long.

Here's hoping that the next sunrise for both of us brings great things.

(Happy birthday, friend.)

Corrina said...

Hope is the confident expectation of good, and I know we get tired of hearing it.

But my hope for you, my true expectation for you, is that tomorrow brings something better, something greater and something that you never expected.

Unknown said...

Do you remember my post from Aug 17, also about feeling defeated. And today, just 2 weeks later, finds me in a different place. Feeling defeated is awful but you have the right idea, tomorrow is a new day and holds new things and maybe it won't be great but you never know about the next day. Do you remember that sign outside the pub on the West Coast? Says Free Beer Tomorrow. Every day you turn up and it says the same thing. Today might not have free beer but you never know about tomorrow! Man not sure that my point is being made here. If all else fails you'll get a free beer tomorrow!

Sharyn said...

Helen: thank you, my friend, for your comment. It is always nice to feel a little less alone. I think about you often and hope with all my heart things are getting better for you.

Corrina: **smile** you are a wise woman.

Jo: Love your comment, made me laugh, cheered me up. Thanks Reefton.