Sunday, December 20, 2009

Weddings and New Work

I went to the most marvelous wedding ever on Friday. I have written about it here.

Shaun and Danielle, your love and happiness on that day filled me right up. I am so lucky to be a part of your story. I am so proud of your courage. I am so proud of the way that you stuck close to what you believed, that you made your own path and you weren't swayed by the opinions of others. You took your time and built a home for yourselves that will outlast all the storms.

You help me believe in love.

You made me write this very soppy post, shame on you! Your wedding did not make me feel alone or 'single', it made me believe in the power of following our own paths. You follow yours so truthfully, it helps me follow mine.

Love love love.

1 comment:

ElizabethB said...

This is all so good, I am glad you have written this, it is true and beautiful and inspiring!
They are a special couple YOU ARE ONE SPECIAL YOUNG WOMAN!!