Sunday, May 15, 2011

A new venture...or two

So I've been venturing bravely into the new world of embroidery.  I've been doing some hand stitching lately - I made a couple of little brooches - and now I've just finished my first embroidery.  I absolutely love hand stitching.  I think I might like it even more than knitting.  I am actually sad when things are finished because I enjoy it so much.

So this is my first attempt.

I'm really quite happy ridiculously happy with it.  It was a joint effort with the Sumo, who drew the bird on the fabric for me - we found him on google images.

 I'm so keen to do some more.

The ravens are one of my favorite Australian birds.  They are ENORMOUS.  And they make a sound like a crying baby.  And they perch on the highest of places.  I just love them.

Anyway, I think the next one we are going to do is 'a charm of goldfinches'.  I'm off to the craft store today to get some more supplies.  But first, washing, groceries and a bit of a tidy up.  Of my hair.  It's a disaster after a slightly riotous night in town last night.

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