Monday, May 02, 2005

My First Blog EVER.

Well, this is an exciting first ever post. My first venture into the world of blogs. It's a little scary, since it's for the world to see. However, this fear is tempered by the fact that NOBODY KNOWS I'M HERE! Lol.

I don't know what to say, perhaps brevity is my best bet.

On the other hand....

Today has been nice. It is raining outside, but I am inside, warmed by lovely fire I created.

Do you know, I wanted to use pilgrim soul as my web address, because I LOVE that idea (from a poem by....W B Yeats: "But one man loved the pilgrim soul in me"), but someone else has STOLEN IT! So I tried various combinations, and I think I have come out with thepilgrimsouls. Or some such thing. Anyway, I shall post this and go see WHO has stolen MY address, and why.

Ka Kite Ano.


Anonymous said...

I know you're here! AND whats more I'm watching you! Muahahahaha! Cool site! Looking forward to reading more. :)

Sharyn said...

Hahaha, a visitor! Welcome to the strange world of my mind....

Anonymous said...

yay, Sharyn.
Really glad to read your blog ... looking forward to learning more about you and your insights as you pilgrim....

Anonymous said...

This is a comment for Simonas blog, cos I can't comment there...
(Hope that's OK Sharyn, I'd typed it in b4 I realised I couldn't post it on her site...)

For Simona:
I can so understand your response. I can remember that sense of linkage with people from the past who suffer a tragedy, and a sort of sharing of their pain (in a tiny way).

I think the way that it moves us to concern and prayer is part of the bigger plan for helping people cope, as we uphold them and love and care.

Are you going to contact her?

Blessings, enjoying the blog!


Sharyn said...

Woohoo, thanks Lynne. I have fixed the glitch on Simona's site and posted your comment there! Glad you like my site, such as it is.