Monday, May 16, 2005

Ten Things I Love About Nandor Tanczos

Okay, one thing.

He tried to give David Benson-Pope an invoice for $54 millions dollars, for all the student allowances that they promised to pay, and never did.

Fantastic!!! See, at least Nandor cares.

Futhermore, I recommend his blurb on fatherhood. I thought it was most lucid, moving actually.


Andrew said...

Imagine what he could do if he wasn't a dope head in a hemp suit.

Sharyn said...

Middle age is when...your narrow waist and your broad mind change places.....

Sharyn said...

What is she talking about? Do YOU see any spelling mistakes? (Maybe she should attend to the plank in her own eye, before poking around at my splinter)

Anonymous said...

Sorry I know this comes from someone without a degree but it is Furthermore not futhermore. I feel like a really mean teacher now - like Mr Harrison.

Anonymous said...

Yes Shaz, you may bring him home but PLEASE dont tell Rodney Hide my name!!!!!!

Andrew said...

Oh Rooooooodney.....

A. J. Chesswas said...

Found your blog via Paul MacMahon's, a very good read full of thought and creativity. Good to see someone with a passion to end world poverty too, I must admit it is not one of my strong points, even though I too majored in sociology.

And now I have seen a whole new side of Nandor I wouldn't have seen without your blog. Still has a long way to go to get my respect as a politician (ie dropping the cannabis issue). Even if he did though no-one would forget he made his name as the pro-cannabis greenie and would ever take him seriously again. Then again I think Helen Clark actually made her name in student politics through promoting abortion.

Also concerned with Nandor's statement "Has patriarchy so stunted male development that we are struggling to understand what being a man really means?" Highly contradictory. Yardie sculling and 21sts have very little to do with a truly Christian (even Victorian) understanding of patriarchy. I wish people like him wouldn't use it as such a dirty word and further entrench the mindless hostility it conjures up in our anarcho-feminist world. for how things are meant to be :)

If feminism is the promotion of femininity then has a far better understanding of feminism than Helen Clark.

Sharyn said...

I have to say, it is possible (important even) to respect someone whilst still disgreeing with them. As for the cannabis thing - although I have no opinion as to its decriminilisation, it's easy to see why he thinks it should be. For example, 4-5 people die every year from the use of illegal drugs (but not from cannabis) and well over 500 from alchohol poisoning. The point here is that legal drugs such as alcohol and nicotine are far more deadly than illegal drugs, but of course the government can make a lot of money off of them....right? Not to be cynical. Although, perhaps his argument is more sophisicated than this.

PS I don't think he was referring to the Christian idea of patriachy.

Sharyn said...

Oh and thanks for reading my blog! I'm glad you like it.